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Christmas Recital Practice Guide

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

The Recital is just three weeks away! Here is a weekly guide to help prepare you or your child for a recital.

Three weeks before the performance

At this time students should be working on areas in music that may need polishing up. Students should practice these spots separately at each practice session. Listening to recordings of their music can also help students to solidify weak spots in their pieces.

This time is also a good time to practice getting in character and performing their music cold and without a warm-up. Doing this randomly throughout the week will help students get quickly into "performance mode" and to get the experience of performing at the recital.

Two weeks before the performance

Get a little help from family and friends this week! It is encouraged for students to do at least two performances for family and friends. Recording their pieces is also a good way to prepare for performance.

One week before the performance

This week students should practice doing a dry run of their performance. Practice walking to the bench, sitting, playing, bowing and walking away. If students are wearing any special attire they should practice at least once with their outfits.

The night before/ day of performance

Students should get a good night's sleep so that they are well rested. Taking walks or other gentle activities help with pre-performance jitters. Eating bananas before a performance can help relieve anxiety since they contain natural beta-blockers.

As their performance time approaches, remind students to breathe and relax. It is totally normal to be a bit nervous; just remind students that they are prepared, and everyone is rooting for them.

Remember to have fun! - Ellie

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