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The Christmas Duet Mini Course Review

Updated: Jun 14

Over the last six weeks I held a mini Christmas duet course for a group a young musicians. This course was designed to bring aspiring musicians together and to learn how to play alongside others. We did just that! By the end of the six weeks everyone learned a new song and successfully performed a duet for their friends and family. A couple of the students even picked up a brand new instrument and others sang in front of a crowd for the very first time.

An important lesson learned in this class is that rhythm, timing, and active listening is a very important part of playing a duet. Students quickly overcame all the obstacles throughout the weeks. After each class I gave all the students a practice tracker, if they return it completely filled out and with a parents initial they would receive a voucher to enter a draw for a grand prize. The draw was held at end of the course.

On the last day I held a "mini recital" for the students. This gave them a chance to perform for their families. Afterwards they received a certificate of achievement for a successfully completing the course

Curious as to how each week went? Here is a weekly overview!

Week 1: On the first day we went around and had each student say what instruments they play and their experience. We had a wide variety of instruments and experience, but most of the students were beginners. This week's focus was on rhythm and what it takes to play in a duet. In order to learn and practice rhythm we had everyone make an ornament percussion instrument to learn with. I randomly divided students into groups of two and were given duets to learn. They each chose a part to learn and practiced playing together. This way they can focus on playing together while each of them are playing different rhythm.

Before the end of the class everyone chose an instrument they would like to learn with. A couple chose an instrument they have never played before.

I welcomed all instrument into this program. For instruments I did not have experience with, students had to have experience playing it. Luckily for me all students chose instruments that I am familiar with.

Week 2: The second week we kicked off the class with each of the groups performing their pieces together. This really helped me identify where all the students are at with rhythm and how well they can play together.

Based on the instruments students chose, and their musical level, I divided everyone into duet teams. Each team was given two song choices and they both needed to agree on one. Once each team chose their songs it was time to start learning! I spent time with each team individually and one on one time with each of them. by the end of the class they all had a portion of their new song to practice. I had each partner have the same goal. This way we could start putting sections together at the next class. I wanted all the songs to be individually learned by week five, so I had divided all the songs into thirds. Each week they were given a new section to learn.

Week 3: We started this class off with a group game. This game had team members guessing what Christmas tune the other is playing solely based on rhythm. Students quickly learned that repeated rhythms are found in a lot of music.

I had each student set up to practice their song individually as I went around and worked with everyone one on one. After each student was in a good position I had everyone partner up and start putting their learned portions together. Everyone was giving their second portion to learn this week. I had a couple students who took initiative and learnt their whole song.

Week 4: We are at the half way point in the course. This class we focused on active listening. I did some ear training games with everyone, these games help teach everyone how to listen to themselves as well as their duet partner when playing their songs. This could be challenging for some but when broken down and taught well it's not so bad.

Most of the students had all their songs done. I think the key to this was choosing simpler songs. When I chose songs for teams to choose, I went a level lower then what they are currently playing. This way the focus is on playing with others and not learning a lot of new technique. For those who are learning a new instruments, I have carefully chosen songs in common time and beginner level. I am able to simplify most songs that even new musicians can play.

I had a couple students who wanted to sing along with their instrument so I started incorporating short singing lessons during this class. The goal was to have students learn to sing without hurting their voice, and to help build confidence.

Week 5: With just a one more week left of practice, we were in full swing! All the students had there songs fully learned. This week's class the student's focused on playing their pieces together. At this point in the course we were just working out a few kinks. I found that the students were in a good position, the biggest concern was playing through mistakes and how to keep going. This is something that most performers have to learn and even more challenging when playing with others.

We took the last half of the class and started practicing on performance. Each group took turns walking up on "stage," playing, and walking off. After each performance we practice peer reviewing. One student took turns saying something positive followed by a constructive feedback. This activity was a lot fun, it was nice hearing everyone encourage each other and everyone was really good about giving feedback too.

Week 6: The last class! I had invited all of the student's parents to come to the last fifteen minutes of class to watch a "mini recital" where all the kids could perform their duets for their families.

I had set up a "stage" in my studio for the students to perform. We spent this lesson practicing for the performance. Each duet team took turns playing together. There was also time set aside of everyone to practice individually if they would like. I was very surprised with how well they were doing. Each of them were as ready as they could be for the mini recital.

All the performances were a huge success. Once everyone performed I handing out certificates of completion and had a draw for the grand winner.

Overall the mini Christmas duet course was a huge success and I can't wait to this again next year!


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